
财政援助办公室提供有关助学金的详细信息, 贷款, 勤工助学, 奖学金, 豁免, 以及其他财政援助项目. If you need additional information on the sources listed here please contact the 财政援助办公室 at financialaid@free-real-estate-listings.com or 401-456-8033,或与特定援助来源有关的部门或办公室. 这个列表可能会有变化.


这里详述的一些援助项目需要全日制注册. 几乎所有形式的学生经济援助, 包括联邦学生贷款, require at least 一半-time enrollment as a matriculated student in a degree-granting program to qualify. 半学期制定义为本科生6学分和4学分.研究生5学分.


这些是联邦津贴,从692美元到6美元不等,2022-2023助学金年度每年206个. 资格由美国教育部根据国家公式确定. 实际奖励根据出勤费用而有所不同, 学生注册状态(满, 四分之三, 一半, 或者不到一半的时间), 以及一个家庭的期望贡献.

These federal grants are awarded directly by the Office of Student 金融援助 on the basis of financial need as determined from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 根据资金和学生的需要,奖学金每年从100美元到500美元不等. 优先资助有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans allow parents of dependent undergraduate students to borrow up to the full cost of college less other student aid. PLUS贷款没有必要的要求, 但家长必须通过信用审查,才有资格获得贷款. Repayment may be deferred for up to six months after the student is no longer enrolled at least 一半 time. 然而, 贷款确实会产生利息,并在还款开始前资本化为贷款本金.


Eligibility for subsidized Federal Direct Loans is based upon financial need as determined by the Office of Student 金融援助, 使用来自FAFSA的信息. 助学金贷款在学生入学期间免息. Students have a six-month grace period after leaving school or dropping below 一半-time status before repayment begins, 但在此期间会产生利息. 无补贴联邦直接贷款, 哪些不需要经济需求, 在校期间和宽限期都有利息吗. 补贴贷款仅限于本科生.

7月1日生效, 2022, 本科生资助贷款和无资助贷款的固定利率均为4%.99%. 截至2022年7月1日,研究生的无补贴贷款利率为6%.54%.

10月1日生效, 2020 both subsidized 和 unsubsidized 贷款 for both undergraduate 和 graduate students also carry a 1.0.057%的发起费.


  • 新生学费为5500美元,但只有3500美元可以获得补贴
  • 二年级学生的学费为6500美元,但只有4500美元可以获得补贴
  • 高年级本科生为7500美元,但只有5500美元可以获得补贴
  • 研究生20,500美元

Undergraduate students determined to be independent by their responses on the FAFSA may apply for an additional unsubsidized loan of up to $4,大一和大二的学费是1000美元,还有5美元,在大三和大四的时候..


  • 本科受抚养学生可获资助31,000美元,但不超过23,000美元
  • 本科独立学生奖学金为57,500美元,但不超过23,000美元
  • 研究生138,500美元

这是一个基于经济需要的兼职就业计划. 勤工俭学奖是以工作时间为基础,每两周按小时计酬. 资格由学生经济援助办公室确定,使用来自FAFSA的信息. 职业发展中心帮助勤工俭学学生在校内或校外找到工作. 而勤工俭学的学生则优先获得就业安排, 学院不能保证被安排在一个职位上.

申请州奖学金/助学金项目的指导方针各不相同, so students should inquire at the appropriate agency in their state of legal residence regarding application procedures.

该项目提供2美元的奖学金,500给有特殊经济需要和学术前途的高年级学生. These need-based renewable awards require continuous fulltime enrollment 和 a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. 资格由学生经济援助办公室确定, 使用你的学习成绩和FAFSA的信息.

These need-based grants are available to both new 和 continuing undergraduate students enrolled at least 一半 time. 助学金的范围从200美元到10,000美元不等,这取决于学生的需要和出勤费用. Interested applicants are required to 提交FAFSA as early as possible after October 1st 和 before the published deadline. 资金有限.

esball官方网通过颁发奖学金来表彰优秀的学术成就. 学院的学生有几个择优奖学金项目. 这些项目可分为四大类:

  • 总统奖学金
  • 荣誉奖学金
  • 特殊人才奖
  • 校友奖学金


这些以成绩为基础的奖学金颁发给入学的新生,最长可达八个标准学期. 奖学金将根据入学申请颁发给国际扶轮居民, but awards are considered as part of the financial aid package 和 may be offset by federal 和 other merit-based scholarship aid. The minimum academic requirements needed to be considered for a Presidential Scholarship as an entering freshman are a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5/4.0; 和 a complete application for admission received by December 15th. 连续入学,每学期至少修15个学分,累计GPA不低于3分.在每个春季学期结束后,需要0美元才能续签奖学金. 注意,还存在其他编程参与要求.


Entering freshmen who demonstrate outst和ing academic achievement are invited to join the College 荣誉项目. 荣誉学生可以申请总统奖学金计划的奖学金, 学院荣誉奖学金计划和esball官方网基金会. 这些奖学金是在竞争的基础上颁发给学术水平最高的学生. 奖金通常在每年500美元到1500美元之间. 荣誉奖学金的续期最长为四年, 只要学生的平均成绩保持在B,并且是全日制学生. 如果你对大学荣誉课程感兴趣, 记得在你的入学申请表上注明你的兴趣.​


特殊人才奖 were established to recognize 和 encourage students who have exceptional talent or skill in the visual 和 performing arts, 校际比赛领域(田径除外), 或者类似的领域. 目前, 学院在以下领域提供特殊人才奖:艺术, 通信, 跳舞, 电影研究, 音乐, 和戏剧. 虽然这些奖项的要求因部门而异, 奖项竞赛开放给大一新生和转学生. 奖金从100美元到2500美元不等. 申请人应联系学术部门或俱乐部顾问在他们感兴趣的领域.


esball官方网校友会提供一些奖学金, 以优点和需要为基础, 给新的和先进的学生. 除了, 该协会每年为学院校友的子女和孙辈提供几项奖学金. 校友奖学金申请可直接从校友办公室获得. 看看你是否符合条件:



Students intending to major in a specific major should contact the academic department associated with it to inquire about potential scholarship opportunities. 对于有兴趣出国留学的学生,也可以获得奖学金资助.

个人, 组织, 和捐赠基金通过esball官方网基金会为学院提供资金. 这些奖助金的资格标准根据每位捐献人的意愿而有所不同. 在某些情况下, financial need is a requirement 和 award recipients are selected from the pool of financial aid applicants at the College. 在其他情况下,奖学金直接由学院的学术部门颁发.​ 


这所大学为某些失业者提供州内学费减免, 老年人和残疾退伍军人.  豁免计划由财务司办公室管理. 有关申请资格、课程限制及申请程序的详情:


如果你服过现役, 你可能有资格获得退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利. 例如, the Post-9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for educational 和 housing expenses to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service after September 10, 2001, 或者在30天后因工作致残而离职的人. 你必须获得光荣退伍才有资格享受《贝博esball官方网站》.

如果你目前在军队服役, 你可能有资格获得国防部学费援助计划提供的资金. Check your eligibility status 和 the amount for which you qualify with your Service prior to enrolling. 

如果你是现役军人的配偶或子女 who is serving on active duty Title 10 orders in the paygrades of E1-E5, O1-O2, 或W1-W2, 你可能有资格获得国防部的教育财政援助, 培训, 和/或便携式职业所需的职业执照和证书.

如果你是现役军人的配偶或子女, 你可能有资格获得9/11后退伍军人法案的福利.​

其他经济援助来源包括雇主、工会和社区组织. Information on private scholarship programs may be obtained from high school gui跳舞 counselors 和 through reference publications in many local libraries. 奖学金搜索数据库程序也可以在互联网上免费使用. 资助 提供大学财政援助的一般信息.

学院鼓励学生主动申请校外经济资助. 只要有可能, outside assistance will be first used to reduce the loan 和/or student employment components of the College financial aid package if adjustment is necessary.

  • 助学金超过直接收费的学生(如.e. 学费, 费用, room 和 board) may be eligible to receive a line of credit towards purchases in the Rhode Isl和 College Bookstore.
  • 申请必须使用学生自助服务部分在线提交 MyRIC.

The 金融援助 Office at Rhode Isl和 College strongly recommends taking advantage of the federal 贷款 awarded to you by our office before considering any of these private loan options. 这里是一个信息的摘要 联邦贷款的优势.

如果你还没有这样做,请 提交FAFSA 看看你有资格获得什么样的联邦援助. If you decide you need to apply for a private loan you need to do so through the individual lender of your choice. We recommend undergraduate students apply with a cosigner as this will likely result in a better interest rate. 一旦你被批准 you have completed all of the required paperwork the lender will contact Rhode Isl和 College for certification.

在与esball官方网的合作下, ELMSelect 提供贷款人的名单,根据他们的历史贷款与我们的学生. Students 和 their parents/guardians have the right 和 ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, 并且不需要使用列出的任何贷款机构.

如果您希望使用不在此列表中的其他贷方,您有权这样做. 请注意,本网站的信息可能不会及时更新. Be sure to read carefully final loan agreements 和 promissory notes to underst和 their payment terms 和 other obligations. 




The mission of the Office of Student 金融援助 is to assist students 和 their families in funding educational costs at Rhode Isl和 College.